General Settings

Client Version
Shows the current version of your AbyssGuard Client. Whenever there are updates available you will see a notification on your Dashboard. Note that the Server updates are done on the server side and are usually independent of any Client update.

AbyssGuard API Key
Your personal AbyssGuard API key, if you don't provide a valid API key upon connecting to the server, your request won't be served.

Observer Mode (since v4)
Your AbyssGuard Client won't really ban anyone, but it will record all caught offenders in both the Logs and the Banlist. If you turn the Observer mode off, your current banlist will get in action and the access to the people already added there during the Observer mode will really get banned this time.

Protection Status
Turns AbyssGuard Client on or off.

Core Protection
AbyssGuard Core functionality, including checking of headers, hack attempts, blacklisted user agents and others.

Open Proxy Detection
Enable or disable Open Proxy Detection.

TOR Project DetectionChecking for TOR exit nodes. This option is disabled by default as it poses high risk of banning legitimate visitors and should be enabled only if you are sure you need it.

Comment Checking
Enable or disable the checking of comments for spam.

Automatic Client Refresh
Enables the Client to automatically check for newly banned offenders and inform you in real time. This function will only work in the Logs, Banlist and Dashboard pages of your Client.

Ban Offenders
The time in minutes you wish to ban offenders detected by AbyssGuard. The default time is 30min, which means that every 30min the script will check if there are bans older than 30min. Note that increasing this time to too large values may result in legitimate users on shared IP address not being able to access your website.

Cache Methods

The AbyssGuard Client supports 3 cache methods, the default one is Disk Cache. If your server supports it (you will be told in the Settings page) you can enable APC or Memcached.

APC and Memcached are memory based cache methods which makes them faster and preferrable infront of the Disk Cache. Since Client v4 you can choose the destination of the Cache directory, so you can move it to a faster disk or ram disk to increase the Client's performance.

AbyssGuard Community Network

All records about offences from given IP addresses are recorded on the AbyssGuard Server and can be used as a Black List for future prevention. You can configure your Client to ban offenders by given criteria.

Project Honey Pot httpBL

httpBL Key
Project Honey Pot is a blacklist service that maintains a database of IP address of spammers. The AbyssGuard script has a free support for the Project's httpBL and if you enter Project Honey Pot key this protection will be enabled. You can get one for free! from here, you just have to register.

Threat Rating
Project Honey Pot assigns a threat rating to each IP address from which suspicious activity has been noted. If a valid httpBL Key is provided, this rating is returned to AbyssGuard. AbyssGuard will then ban the IP if it has a threat rating equal to or greater than the value you specify. For guidance, a threat rating of 25 is equivalent to 100 sent spam messages, 50 is equivalent to 10,000 sent spam messages, and 75 is equivalent to 1,000,000 sent spam messages. The default value is 10.

Last Recorded Activity
Project Honey Pot records the date of the most recent activity on each IP address from which suspicious activity has been noted. If a valid http:BL Key is provided, the number of days since that activity is returned to AbyssGuard. AbyssGuard will then ban the IP if it has recorded activity within the number of days you specify. The default value is 7 days. Note that increasing this value too much may result in false positives of legitimate users on shared IP addresses. Someone sending spam from an IP doesn't mean he owns the address.


Turns on or off the logging of offenders. You can see the detailed log on the Logs page.

Clear Logs
Clear the recorded logs of offenders for the past X days.

Clear All Logs
Clear ALL recorded logs of offenders. There is no need to keep them forever.

Logs Per Page
How many logs per page to be shown in the Logs page. Keep in mind that showing too many rows at once may reflect on your server's performance.

403 Forbidden Page

The title of the Forbidden page served to offenders instead of your website.

Explanation Text
The explanation text of the Forbidden page. Keep in mind that you must not give any clues to the offenders on why they are banned.